Just finished Systems 1.
Week one starts out with Physio. You get the chamber (not a big deal, they try to scare you with all the talk of sickness and ears popping, brains oozing out your eyes, etc.), the barnay chair (*puke*), standard tests where the answers are in the reviews, and a really cool crew. And they have you play parachute outside... in the summer... in gear... which isn't that bad for someone used to the heat but others damn near complained the who time. Sissy pilots.
After physio comes the first part of systems. I'll say this - I didn't get ANY gouge and the test went fine. DO THE REVIEW QUESTIONS!!! The instructor will tell you that those questions are NOT on the test (unlike physio) HOWEVER, if you do the questions and you understand the why, you'll get an automatic 85% on the test. That's all you need to pass. If you actually study a bit, take notes, pay attention to the CAIs and read the info after, you'll do really well and those T-38s can be all yours. I'll keep my T-1. =P
Systems 2 is starting tomorrow.
Academics isn't that hard as long as you stay up with the work. Do the review questions each night. Don't just answer them, write them out and describe WHY the answer is the way it is. Understand the actual system and where it's linked. Also take advantage of the sim time. Look at all the switches and get a feel. When you read the dash 1, it can feel like things are totally scattered about in the T-6 but they're actually very smartly grouped together.
And be cool with the IPs when you meet them. It's just like IFS. If you have a shite attitude, the IPs will have a shite-ier attitude.
Sleep. And don't frakkin' drink so much.