Spent last night prepping for the dollar ride before realizing you don't need to really prep for the dollar ride. So, I went to a bible study to take a break and have real conversation. It was pretty good and great way to help ease the stress.
Then I went off to Office Max and printed out the EPs (emergency procedures), the Playbook and the Flow/Verify color prints for the cockpit maneuvers. Pretty dagum sexy lookin', this little book is...
Anyway, we did more Procedure classes today focus on what you have to learn to complete the maneuver. AGAIN - IFS is about the PROCEDURE! If you know those, even if you don't complete the manuever (typically, if you know them, you complete the move) YOU PASS! You just need a Fair grade and you're good to go.
Dollar rides are a go for tomorrow and I'm at 0942. Brief starts at 0842.
Thought you had your dollar ride today?